The website of »Generative Gestaltung« (first edition) is no longer maintained and has been archived.

Code M_4_4_01_TOOL

Méthodes Complexes –  M.4 Attracteurs –  M.4.4 Attracteurs et 3D –  M_4_4_01_TOOL


  • 404 - 405

  • 406 - 407

  • 408 - 409


  • 2012-06-01 @ 9:36 am   |  Comment by ivy


    leider läßt sich die ZIP-Datei nicht entpacken. Es wird eine cpgz-Datei erstellt.

    Anscheinend ist das ZIP kaputt. Könntet Ihr nochmal eine intakte ZIP-File zur Verfügung stellen.


    Das wäre toll!



  • 2012-06-04 @ 12:09 pm   |  Comment by Benedikt Groß

    halle ivy,


    you're right ... seems to be a bug. we try to fix that asap, in the meanwhile you can use the "complete code package" download (under code, first point) to get the code of the M_4_4_01_TOOL .


    thanks for reporting!

  • 2015-10-27 @ 10:18 pm   |  Comment by Karl

    Hey guys,


    I fired up Processing after a very long time. I'm pretty sure I've set up everything right yet I get this Error:


    The function group(String) does not exist



    It refers to this code in line 399:

    if ("menu").isOpen()) {



    libs ControlP5 and GenerativeDesign are sitting happily in the right libraries folder…

    Could you please help me out?




  • 2015-10-27 @ 10:20 pm   |  Comment by Karl

    I should add: I've got the sketch from the Code-Package-Processing-2.x-1.0.4 package and I''m running Processing 2.2.1

  • 2016-04-19 @ 6:10 pm   |  Comment by And

    Hey Karl, were you able to solve that problem?
    I am having the same issue...


  • 2017-04-09 @ 3:34 pm   |  Comment by Nick

    Karl and And: Sketches using the controlP5 library use outdated method calls like group(...) and controller(...). These need updating to their renamed 'getter and setter' equivalents, so references to group(...) should be getGroup(...), references to controller(...) should be getController(...), references to style(...) should be getStyle(...), references to captionLabel(...) should be getCaptionLabel(...).


    A few other controlP5 methods have been renamed, but the controlP5 Javadocs help find the equivalent method, so controlP5.setColorLabel(...) should be setColorCaptionLabel(...), controlP5.setColorValue(...) should be setColorValueLabel(...)

  • 2017-09-20 @ 12:01 am   |  Comment by Max

    Hallo liebe Freunde um Hartmut Bohnacker, nachdem ich die Library controlP5 erfolgreich importiert habe und gerne das Attraktoren-Tool M_4_3_01_TOOL.pde ausprobiert hätte, wird die Fehlermeldung wie folgt ausgegeben: The function setupGUI(); does not exist!

    Was kann ich tun, um dennoch mit diesen Attraktoren zu experimentieren? Danke für jeden Hinweis!


  • 2019-07-31 @ 6:05 pm   |  Comment by bla


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