The website of »Generative Gestaltung« (first edition) is no longer maintained and has been archived.

Comments Timeline

  • 2013-02-09  P_4_2_1_02
    Comment by Elisabeth RObson


    I am having trouble with these sketches; I'm getting an error: Cannot find a class or type named "File".  I checked the web site, and don't see an object with that name.


    Should I be downloading a plugin for File from somewhere?

  • 2013-01-29  P_1_1_2_01
    Comment by denberghvanmartijn

    Aight thanks for the fix, i just deleted it, works too :)

  • 2013-01-28  M_3_4_03_TOOL
    Comment by Verena


    if I press "p" to generate a Hi-Res png, the app-screen starts swirrling around and as a result I always get a png showing a cropped version of the screen I want (see the attached pic)

    if I use "s" I get a somehow 'pale' version of the screen I wanted …

    What am I doing wrong?


  • 2013-01-24  P_1_1_2_01
    Comment by Kvantti

    denberg, that is because Processing has removed the Java dependencies in the latest versions. They were still included when this code was written, but now you have to manually add them.


    Quick and dirty solution: include the following in the start of every Processing sketch that fails:



    import java.util.*;


  • 2013-01-22  P_1_1_2_01
    Comment by denberghvanmartijn

    Okay im just testing all of your code and just wanted to say that your timestamp function does not work in processing 2.0b7

  • 2013-01-22  P_1_1_1_01
    Comment by denberghvanmartijn

    Again it works when i comment out everything with timestamp and calender :)

    this is in processing 2.0b7 btw

  • 2013-01-22  P_1_0_01
    Comment by denberghvanmartjin

    Maybe the download isn't complete but i dont have the calender object, I commented out everything with calender and timestamp and it works perfect. But the calender and timestamp are missing!


    Great book and site btw guys. Worth every penny!

  • 2013-01-22  M_2_6_01_TOOL
    Comment by Benedikt Groß

    hi vincent,


    please use Processing 2.0b6 ... there are so many changes currently going on in the beta versions, that we will stop to support all of them. we will update the package when the final 2.0 version is out. sorry for the trouble. stay tuned.


    all the best,



    ps. cool german! :)

  • 2013-01-22  M_3_4_03_TOOL
    Comment by Benedikt Groß

    hi rich,


    please use Processing 2.0b6 ... there are so many changes going on in the beta versions, that we will stop to support all of them. we will update the package if the final 2.0 version is out. sorry for the trouble.


    all the best,


  • 2013-01-20  M_2_6_01_TOOL
    Comment by vincent

    When I launch the "run" of M_2_6_01_TOOL, I have the following message: " Cannot find a class or type named "File"" and the code " void fileSelected(File selection)" is yellow.
    Impossible thus to import an image in the background.
    Thank you for your help

    Guten Tag
    Als ich den "run" von M_2_6_01_TOOL werfe(in Gang bringe), habe ich die folgende Nachricht: " Cannot find a class or type named "File" " und der Kode " void fileSelected(File selection) " ist im Gelb.
    Also unmöglich, ein Bild im background einzuführen.
    Danke für Ihre Hilfe