The website of »Generative Gestaltung« (first edition) is no longer maintained and has been archived.

Comments Timeline

  • 2017-09-21  P_2_1_1_02
    Comment by marco

    everything works, except saving the picture !! some help?

  • 2017-09-20  M_4_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by Max

    Hallo liebe Freunde um Hartmut Bohnacker, nachdem ich die Library controlP5 erfolgreich importiert habe und gerne das Attraktoren-Tool M_4_3_01_TOOL.pde ausprobiert hätte, wird die Fehlermeldung wie folgt ausgegeben: The function setupGUI(); does not exist!

    Was kann ich tun, um dennoch mit diesen Attraktoren zu experimentieren? Danke für jeden Hinweis!


  • 2017-04-09  M_4_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by Nick

    Karl and And: Sketches using the controlP5 library use outdated method calls like group(...) and controller(...). These need updating to their renamed 'getter and setter' equivalents, so references to group(...) should be getGroup(...), references to controller(...) should be getController(...), references to style(...) should be getStyle(...), references to captionLabel(...) should be getCaptionLabel(...).


    A few other controlP5 methods have been renamed, but the controlP5 Javadocs help find the equivalent method, so controlP5.setColorLabel(...) should be setColorCaptionLabel(...), controlP5.setColorValue(...) should be setColorValueLabel(...)

  • 2016-12-04  P_1_1_1_01
    Comment by Hele

    Why I can not reach the smoothiest condition like the last second in the video ?

  • 2016-08-11  P_4_3_1_02
    Comment by Yiseob

    Can I use video instead image reference?

  • 2016-05-07  P_4_3_1_02_analyse_svg_grayscale
    Comment by

    I keep getting a null pointer exception. Does anybody know what's wrong?


    Thank you.

  • 2016-04-22  P_4_1_1_01
    Comment by Jane

    Gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, aus dem Viereck, mit dem man einen Bildausschnitt wählt,  ein Dreieck zu machen?



  • 2016-04-19  M_4_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by And

    Hey Karl, were you able to solve that problem?
    I am having the same issue...


  • 2016-04-11  P_4_2_1_01
    Comment by JH

    Hallo ich hab das gleiche Problem mit dem Programm. Es erscheint immer die Fehlermeldung "NullPointerException"(siehe Datei im Anhang) und ich weiss nicht, was ich tun muss.

  • 2016-02-24  P_4_2_1_01
    Comment by aleida flores


    I am trying to run the program P_4_2_1_01, each time it bugs Processing.

    Do you have any ansewer to that.

    I can read that since 2010 there is a problem with this program, i hope you find the answer.

    Thanks a lot