The website of »Generative Gestaltung« (first edition) is no longer maintained and has been archived.

Comments Timeline

  • 2016-01-27  P_1_2_2_01
    Comment by Clau

    Hallo ihr Lieben!


    Da bei P.1.2.2 zwingend extrene Libraries gebraucht werden, habe ich diese nun:


    1. heruntergleden (


    2.extrahiert (nur einmal, es gibt jedoch noch Weitere files innerhalb des Pakets zum entpacken, diese liess ich aber wie sie waren)


    und ins library Verzeichnis verschoben ( Documents\Processing\libraries (Win10).


    Ich habe ebenfalls den von euch bereitgestellten Code verwendet. Jedoch wird die library anscheinend nicht gefunden (The package "generativedesign" does not exist. You might be missing a library.)... Was könnte der Grund sein?



  • 2015-10-27  M_4_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by Karl

    I should add: I've got the sketch from the Code-Package-Processing-2.x-1.0.4 package and I''m running Processing 2.2.1

  • 2015-10-27  M_4_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by Karl

    Hey guys,


    I fired up Processing after a very long time. I'm pretty sure I've set up everything right yet I get this Error:


    The function group(String) does not exist



    It refers to this code in line 399:

    if ("menu").isOpen()) {



    libs ControlP5 and GenerativeDesign are sitting happily in the right libraries folder…

    Could you please help me out?




  • 2015-10-22  M_2_6_01_TOOL
    Comment by Patrick



    wie kann ich unter M_2_6_01_TOOL.pde ein Bild in den Hintergrund laden?


    Starte ich das Programm, und wähle im Menü unter „Load Image” ein Bild (png) aus und klicke „öffenen” passiert gar nishct mehr und das Programm ist „frozen”...


    Wird das PDF später ohne Hintergrundbild ausgespielt?


    Schönen Gruss




  • 2015-10-16  P_4_3_2_01
    Comment by Kasia Bytnerowicz

    Thank you so much for this fantastic book. I'm trying to modify this project to pull the string to use for text from a txt file. I tried a few things using the code from P.3.1.4 but no luck. It wouldn't let me load the file outside of setup, and when I put it in setup, it didn't recognize the variable inputText. What am I missing?

  • 2015-08-07  M_6_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by Henk Lamers


    When I run this program I get the following message in my console:

    ControlP5 2.0.4 infos, comments, questions at
    [Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file.

    Changed line 91, 97, 103, 153, 177 in the WikipediaNode class:






    Henk Lamers

  • 2015-08-07  M_6_3_01
    Comment by Henk Lamers


    When I run this program I get the following message in my console.


    [Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file. 

    Changed line 91, 97, 120 and 143 (in the WikipediaNode class):






    Henk Lamers

  • 2015-08-07  M_6_2_02
    Comment by Henk Lamers



    When I run this program I get the following message in the console:

    XML not loaded yet 

    When I mouseclick the display window I get  a:

    XML not loaded yet

    [Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file.

    Changed line 95:


    query = "http://


    query = "https://



    Henk Lamers



  • 2015-08-07  M_6_2_01
    Comment by Henk Lamers


    When I run this program I get a [Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file.

    Changed the beginning of line 30:

    query = "http://


    query = "https://


    Henk Lamers

  • 2015-04-02  M_3_4_01_TOOL
    Comment by Henk Lamers

    Dear Generative Gestaltung collegues,

    Since November 11, 2013 I am working on the examples of your excellent Generative Design book. I try to make variations on the programs and I stick with at least 5 variations of each program and sub-program. Ik document all progress in a blog ( in which you can also find links to the Generative Design Variations on Flickr and on my Loftmatic website. At this moment I have reached ‘M.3.4 Deconstructing the mesh’. I have downloaded the latest update from your website. But there is only one thing that does not work. When I press the d-key Processing gives me a java.langArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and it exports an empty dxf-file. It seems that I cannot repair this problem. I am working on a Mac Pro, OSX Yosemite, Version 10.10.2, 2 x 2,66 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xenon, 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC. And I am using Processing 2.1.1. Is there something I can do to solve this problem?


    Henk Lamers