The website of »Generative Gestaltung« (first edition) is no longer maintained and has been archived.

Comments Timeline

  • 2012-05-14  P_1_2_3_01
    Comment by Doeke Wartena

    In the code there is this loop:

    1. for (int gridX=0; gridX< tileCountX; gridX++) {   
    2. for (int gridY=0; gridY< tileCountY; gridY++) {



    close before that the current tile count get's calculated

    1. int currentTileCountX = (int) map(mouseX, 0,width, 1,tileCountX);
    1. int currentTileCountY = (int) map(mouseY, 0,height, 1,tileCountY);


    I think using a loop like this make more sence (else a lot get's drawn outside the screen):

    1. for (int gridX=0; gridX< currentTileCountX; gridX++) {   
    2. for (int gridY=0; gridY< currentTileCountY; gridY++) {


    But then this line must be different:

    1. int index = counter % currentTileCountX; 


    But i can't figure out what it could be to get nice effect the sketch has with the standard code. So if someone could post a nice solution.


    I did like this attemp (there's a left motion and a right motion in it)

    1. for (int gridX=0; gridX< currentTileCountX; gridX++) {         
    2. counter += currentTileCountY % (gridY+1);     
    3. for (int gridY=0; gridY< currentTileCountY; gridY++) {


    if someone could post a nice solution then that would be great.




  • 2012-05-10  P_1_2_1_01
    Comment by Doeke

    In the code 10 rows are created to show color, however with the current code it will never show more then 9.

    This is because height is 800, but the last y row is 799 since it starts at 0 and not at 1.


    This seems to be a working fix:


    tileCountY = (int) map(mouseY,0,height,2,11);


    now it's a lot easier to get the 10th row as well.


  • 2012-05-10  P_2_3_5_01_TABLET
    Comment by tamara



    I bought a graphic tablet ( Bambooto run this code, but unfortunatley it still doesn't work... somehting is wrttien below the interface page:


    10 mai 2012 17:29:52 jpen.provider.NativeLibraryLoader$4 run
    INFO: loading JPen 2-100213 JNI library: jpen-2-3 ...
    10 mai 2012 17:29:52 jpen.provider.NativeLibraryLoader$4 run
    INFO: jpen-2-3 loaded


    but i have no idea of the meaning... could anyone help me with this problem?

    many thanks!



  • 2012-05-02  M_1_5_02_TOOL
    Comment by Benedikt Groß

    hello simon,


    yes this is in principle possible ... "only" problem is to write the position data in an valid obj syntax to a file.


    have you ever tried to open a obj file in a texteditor? is it plain text? how does the syntax look like? etc.


    or is there any kind of scripting language for maya? if so, you could try to generate a maya script with the help of processing, which holds all the position information and copy it via clipboard to maya. might be easier, then to get into the obj syntax.


    good luck!

  • 2012-05-01  M_1_5_02_TOOL
    Comment by simon



    I have started to work with processing recently and I have been trying to find codes to export lines or curves to a obj file. In the example above I would like to export the agent points as curves to work with it in another programme like maya.

    Is that possible?



  • 2012-03-21  P_4_2_2_01
    Comment by Vera Uchytil


  • 2012-03-01  M_5_5_01_TOOL
    Comment by sunny


  • 2012-02-22  P_4_3_1_02
    Comment by yi

    super code


  • 2012-02-22  M_5_5_01_TOOL
    Comment by Andreas Koller


    Wie Benedikt geschrieben hat, entweder du passt die FileSystemItem.pde so an, dass sie CSVs einliest. Da du aber viel einfachere, nicht-hierarchische Daten visualisieren willst, sei dir das Beispiel von Ben Fry empfohlen:



    Die FloatTable Klasse ist das was du suchst.




  • 2012-02-07  M_5_5_01_TOOL
    Comment by sunny

    Hier hat jemand soetwas ähnliches mit einer csv datei gemacht.



    Sehe aber java-programmiertechnisch leider nicht so gut durch.

